ReSharper 3.0 Default Keymap 18 december 2007 0 Just a link to keep the JetBrains ReSharper Keymap at hand: ReSharper 3.0 Default Keymap (PDF)
Creating an Outlook Navigation Bar using the ListView and Accordion Controls 17 december 2007 0 Matt Berseth explains how to create an Outlook like navigation pane in ASP.Net with a combination of an Accordion Ajax Control and the ListView control.Nice example of how the new Ajax controls in the ASP.NET Ajax Control Toolkit can extend…
Rhino Mocks Quick Reference 13 december 2007 0 Last week I gave a presentation on mock objects for Software Professionals of Alaska. Once the PowerPointy hand-waving was out of the way, I illustrated the concepts with code examples using Rhino Mocks. I thought I was well-versed in Rhino…
Copy project files to another location after build 4 december 2007 0 For a (web-)project I am working on, I needed to copy the content of 1 website to a sub-folder of another website after the project was built. This enables the 2 projects being separately developed and deployed, but also allows…
[Build Knowledge] Versioning 3 december 2007 0 Today I’ll show you how to use NAnt and Cruise Control.Net to Version your application.What you’ll need1. NAnt A .Net Build tool. We’re going to use this to compile our Hello World Application and set the version number.2. Cruise Control.Net…
Talking about Community Server Theming at the CSDC – Ben Tiedt’s Blog 3 december 2007 0 With links to the online documentation about theming and Cameleon controls in Community ServerTalking about Community Server Theming at the CSDC – Ben Tiedt’s Blog – Ben Tiedt’s Blog