Introducing NuGet 23 mei 2011 0 What is NuGet? From the NuGet website: NuGet is a Visual Studio extension that makes it easy to install and update open source libraries and tools in Visual Studio. Installing NuGet Method 1: NuGet comes with ASP.Net MVC3 The easiest…
Copy project files to another location after build 4 december 2007 0 For a (web-)project I am working on, I needed to copy the content of 1 website to a sub-folder of another website after the project was built. This enables the 2 projects being separately developed and deployed, but also allows…
Talking about Community Server Theming at the CSDC – Ben Tiedt’s Blog 3 december 2007 0 With links to the online documentation about theming and Cameleon controls in Community ServerTalking about Community Server Theming at the CSDC – Ben Tiedt’s Blog – Ben Tiedt’s Blog
Running ASP.NET applications under Community Server 28 november 2007 0 In this article you will learn how to successfully setup your own ASP.NET 2.0 application to run as a virtual directory under the Community Server 2.1 website. Running ASP.NET applications under Community Server