How to create a zip archive and download it in ASP.NET 5 april 2012 0 In a previous post How to download multiple files in ASP.NET, I explained how to generate multiple documents and offer them as separate downloads in ASP.NET. One of the options I had when looking for a solution to offer multiple…
How to download multiple files in ASP.NET 4 april 2012 1 The project I’m currently assigned to, already has an option to generate reports (pdf) which are just streams the binary output of the report generator to the response output stream. Something like this: Dim binReader As New System.IO.BinaryReader(report.ExportToStream()) With Response…
Softwaredocumentatie met Sandcastle 21 augustus 2008 0 [DUTCH:] Waarom verschijnt er altijd een ongemakkelijke glimlach op het gezicht van een ontwikkelaar als er gevraagd wordt of zijn software gedocumenteerd is? Hoewel deze vraag niet wordt beantwoordt in dit artikel, zal er worden uitgelegd hoe het op eenvoudige…
Copy project files to another location after build 4 december 2007 0 For a (web-)project I am working on, I needed to copy the content of 1 website to a sub-folder of another website after the project was built. This enables the 2 projects being separately developed and deployed, but also allows…