Checklist for high quality websites part 2 27 februari 2009 0 In the first part of the checklist, we looked at creating high quality websites from a client perspective and the tools that helps us do that. In this part we look at the (free) tools that will help us build…
21 Stimulating Color Palette Tools For Designers 24 februari 2009 0 I’m always excited about the possibilities of a new design. At the very beginning, I never really know where it will end up, and I love that feeling. The whole process of choosing colors and creating a color palette for…
50 Useful Design Tools For Beautiful Web Typography | CSS, Fonts | Smashing Magazine 29 januari 2009 0 Typography is elegant when it is attractive and communicates the designer’s ideas. When chosen wisely and used carefully, it can be very effective in supporting the overall design. Designers are always exploring different techniques with type: some use images or…
A Guide to Learning ASP.NET MVC Release Candidate 1 28 januari 2009 0 Now that the ASP.NET MVC Release Candidate is available for download, how do you learn how to start using it to build applications? Here’s a guide to resources for learning about ASP.NET MVC Release Candidate 1. Stephen Walter on ASP.NET…
Design for Developers 23 januari 2009 0 A few years ago I had the opportunity to sit down with a designer possessed of a rare talent. We were both part of the same team and he was creating some UI elements that I was to wire up.…
50 Extremely Useful And Powerful CSS Tools 8 januari 2009 0 We love useful stuff. For months, we have been bookmarking interesting, useful and creative CSS tools and related resources. We have been contacting developers, encouraging them to improve their tools and release their handy little apps to the public. Last…
Opera: Web Standards Curriculum 19 december 2008 0 As the most standards-compliant Web browser, Opera is dedicated to promoting Web standards across the globe. Web standards make the Web available to anyone, on any device, anywhere in the world. Opera has created the Web Standards Curriculum (WSC) in…
.NET Developers’ Reference Card Roundup | Alvin Ashcraft’s Morning Dew 8 juli 2008 0 I thought I would share this list of reference cards / cheat sheets that I have compiled over the last year or so. If I am missing any good ones, please post them in the comments. Alvin Ashcraft’s Morning Dew…
Emma Alvarez Site: Most Useful 50 CSS Tips And Tools For Webmasters 15 april 2008 0 The style of a website is defined by the CSS. CSS describes text fonts, if images must have borders or shadows, etc. Simply changing the CSS styles, you can change the appearance of your website completely, without changing the contents…
Regular Expressions cheat sheets 12 februari 2008 0 Regular Expressions (RegEx) give me a headache most of the time. That’s where cheat sheets like these com in handy: via:Scott Klarr – Regular Expressions cheat sheets
Design Patterns and Refactoring 4 februari 2008 0 Design patternsIn software engineering, a design pattern is a general repeatable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software design. A design pattern isn’t a finished design that can be transformed directly into code. It is a description or template…