Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) with PostSharp 27 mei 2011 0 What is AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming)? Aspect oriented programming breaks down programming logic in separate concerns. It separates and groups blocks of code that perform a specific operation and that can be applied to or re-used by different pieces of…
Introducing NuGet 23 mei 2011 0 What is NuGet? From the NuGet website: NuGet is a Visual Studio extension that makes it easy to install and update open source libraries and tools in Visual Studio. Installing NuGet Method 1: NuGet comes with ASP.Net MVC3 The easiest…
Checklist for high quality websites part 2 27 februari 2009 0 In the first part of the checklist, we looked at creating high quality websites from a client perspective and the tools that helps us do that. In this part we look at the (free) tools that will help us build…
The type ‘‘ exists in both ‘‘ and ‘‘ 11 september 2008 0 Today I got this error message: "The type ‘<class>’ exists in both ‘<dll location>’ and ‘<dll location 2>’" I remembered I encountered it before, but I didn’t remember the cause, nor the remedy. That’s why I keep this blog to…
Softwaredocumentatie met Sandcastle 21 augustus 2008 0 [DUTCH:] Waarom verschijnt er altijd een ongemakkelijke glimlach op het gezicht van een ontwikkelaar als er gevraagd wordt of zijn software gedocumenteerd is? Hoewel deze vraag niet wordt beantwoordt in dit artikel, zal er worden uitgelegd hoe het op eenvoudige…
Exception handling best practices in ASP.NET web applications 3 juli 2008 0 Exception handling plays an important part of application management and user experience. If implemented correctly it can make maintenance easier and bring the user experience to a higher level. If not, it can be a disaster. How many times have…
Log4net: simple way to use in your application 4 januari 2008 0 Log the actions of your applications is very important especially when you develop new features or develop very difficult logical business.But it is also important when users use your applications to understand the critical issues or problems.To implement quickly the…
Copy project files to another location after build 4 december 2007 0 For a (web-)project I am working on, I needed to copy the content of 1 website to a sub-folder of another website after the project was built. This enables the 2 projects being separately developed and deployed, but also allows…
C# MYSQLWrapper Class and PHPWrapper-Script 8 november 2007 0 The MYSQLWrapper Class is a small and simple to use solution for accessing serverside MySQL Databases at a standard webspace that supports php and mysql.I thought it would be useful because many of you have got those cheep php/mysql supported…