Silverlight 2 Developer Poster 18 maart 2008 0 At Mix08, the Silverlight 2 Poster was a hot item given out in many of the session. If you didn’t get yours or if you couldn’t make it, you can feel free to download and print your own! Silverlight 2…
ASP.NET Runtime Cheat Sheet: HttpRequest, HttpRuntime, AppDomain and friends 20 februari 2008 0 This article has cheat sheets for retrieving various bits of ASP.NET runtime information. For each bit of info, there is: * A code snippet for retrieving it in a page, with a link to MSDN * Description, sometimes explanation *…
Troubleshooting Expired ASP.NET Session State and Your Options 1 februari 2008 0 I have a love/hate relationship with the ASP.NET Session. It’s such a convenient place to put things, but when you start putting applications into production there are a number of less-than-obvious edge cases that can come up and bite you.…
ReSharper 3.0 Default Keymap 18 december 2007 0 Just a link to keep the JetBrains ReSharper Keymap at hand: ReSharper 3.0 Default Keymap (PDF)
Rhino Mocks Quick Reference 13 december 2007 0 Last week I gave a presentation on mock objects for Software Professionals of Alaska. Once the PowerPointy hand-waving was out of the way, I illustrated the concepts with code examples using Rhino Mocks. I thought I was well-versed in Rhino…
Copy project files to another location after build 4 december 2007 0 For a (web-)project I am working on, I needed to copy the content of 1 website to a sub-folder of another website after the project was built. This enables the 2 projects being separately developed and deployed, but also allows…
How To Create A Custom Control 21 november 2007 0 Create a new ASP.NET Web Application, Windows Forms Control Library or Class Library project Create a new class and inherit from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl or from a specific control (like TextBox) Override the Render method and call writer.write() to write raw HTML…
.NET Design Guidelines & Coding Conventions 21 november 2007 0 .NET Framework Developer’s Guide:Design Guidelines for Developing Class Libraries .NET Framework General Reference:Design Guidelines for Class Library Developers
.NET Tip of The Day: Speed up Visual Studio 2005 12 oktober 2007 0 Speed up Visual Studio 2005 .NET Tip of The Day: .Speed up Visual Studio 2005
Database Drivers not provided by Microsoft (Updated) – Joseph Guadagno 12 oktober 2007 0 I wanted save some people some time looking for providers for their non-Microsoft databases to use with .NET. Please keep in mine I have not tried or used all of these providers / tools but have found them from searching…
Directory Structure For Projects 2 oktober 2007 0 Directory Structure For Projects That last part in the title is to indicate that for me, this issomething that has changed several times over the past year with achange happening even within the last month.Let me stress the fact that…
Directory Structure For Projects 2 oktober 2007 0 Directory Structure For Projects That last part in the title is to indicate that for me, this issomething that has changed several times over the past year with achange happening even within the last month.Let me stress the fact that…