Over the last 11 years I’ve spent a great deal of time trying to improve client websites with an eye for minimalist interface design and code. While the minimalist design esthetic is not the choice for every client the notion of less code and faster load times always goes over well. Today, many of web applications I design and code for have a plethora of Javascript and CSS files. Fortunately, there are many options to solve this rather simple problem. Compression, obfuscation and bundling are all great options.

Below you’ll find a list of the sites I’ve visited to learn more about Javascript and CSS compression. Please let me know through email or a comment if you know of any other great compression resources, and I’ll be glad to post them. Most of the descriptions below are taken from the developers of the example. Thanks, Max.

Max KieslerHow To Minimize Your Javascript and CSS Files for Faster Page Loads

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